Sunday, August 12, 2007

Former KATV Razorback Central Reporter on the Mission Trail

Some have been wonderin' what former KATV Razorback Central reporter Rusty Jackson has been up to since his departure from Channel 7. Seems Jackson hit the Mission trail. From his blog bio, here's how Jackson sums up the decision to get into mission work:

Back in the day I was a sports anchor for the largest TV station in the state of Arkansas. I was in television for five years. I loved it, however in January God started moving in my life. I realized being on TV wasn't doing it for me, and it would never bring me true happiness. I wanted more, and I knew that "more" was God. I Googled missions, found Adventures in Missions and from there I found the World Race. (Basically its a year long mission trip in which young people go to 11 different countries spreading the Word of God) I thought, wow!, look at these folks acting as the hands and feet of Jesus. I was blown away by their passion, their faith and their love for Christ. So, I started reading their blogs and that's where I got myself in trouble. I ran across one in particular where the author asked the question, "are you praying scary prayers like God take my life?" Heck no I wasn't, but I soon found myself asking God to take over my life. A month later I was fired from my job! Ha, be careful what you pray for! That was back in April, since then I've been to Peru and Swaziland working with the World Racers and getting to know them. I tell ya, what a body of Christ! I truly love these guys and gals. So thanks to Seth Barnes and the World Race leadership I've been adopted as a part of the team. I'll be hooking up with them in Thailand come August 1st!