Monday, September 27, 2010

Oh How Great a Live Newscast Can Be....

Received several emails Sunday evening about apparent technical glitches during KSLA's late night news they are:

KSLA said their director's board is froze. They really need to start looking like a mid-size DMA market CBS station. This crap they're producing looks like something a station in Monroe would make. They need to step up.

Also, their met isn't on the green wall, just using a monitor behind him to show the temps and forecast. HOrrible looking news!! Only been on 6 minutes and they've taken 3 breaks! The humanity! lol

KSLA is having some major techinical problems during their 10pm news. Their picture is coming in and out, audio is switching from the met back to the anchor and their news reports have no video..all anchor...They keep saying "bare with us", but I just switched it to KTBS.

I tried to watch KTBS's weekend news but the anchor was just horrible. I can't believe they put this anchor on the air. It was like it was her first time to read a teleprompter. And you could tell she didn't write the copy. For a story that was suppose to start with.. LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION....she just read it with no idea what she was saying...geez!