Thursday, September 22, 2005

If KARK is Yanked from Little Rock Cable, Will it be Missed?

Will KARK fall victim to Nexstar's demand it gets paid by cable systems for carriage? Talk on The Bull Whiz Newsletter KARK will and most won't notice:

"When KARK goes off on cable January 1st, I bet no one will notice they have disappeared from the screen!

Honestly, with as many channel choices as people have these days, and considering how lazy much of the public is, how many people do you really think are going to make the effort to watch KARK once it is off cable? Maybe for a few prime-time shows, but I doubt much else."

DCG comments: I really hope Nextstar doesn't demand a per-cable subscriber fee from all cable companies across the country because both of my NBC affiliates are Nexstar owned stations. I live too far away from Little Rock and Shreveport for a pair of rabbit ears to pick either up.